Today, I am going to write a blog about making paper baskets. Why don't you have a go? You will need a piece of paper, a pair of scissors and a roll of sellotape. Here are some simple instructions:

Make a square out of your paper by folding it into a triangle. Then, cut along the edge and open out to make a square

Your square should have a fold across it. Take the corner that the fold starts at and fold it over to the other corner on the other end of the line. When you open the square, you should have a cross
Take a corner and fold it over to the centre point- made by the cross

Fold the edge made by this fold over to meet the centre line. Do this for all of the corners. When you open it out, lots of little boxes should be on the paper square

Cut the length of two squares twice- two squares apart- on two opposite corners as shown in the diagram

At the edges of the diamond shaped paper, miss one row from the cuts and fold the triangle inwards. Do this on the other side as well.

Fold the square and triangles that stick out inwards as shown.

On both sides overlap the little flaps together and bring the big bit over the top and inwards.
Stick together with sellotape.
Using the spare bit of paper from earlier, cut out a handle to a shape of your choice.
Finally, stick the handle on and you have your basket!
These baskets make great gifts and can be filled with sweets for a delicious Easter treat!If you liked this, why not try experimenting a little! Try using white paper and drawing on a pattern. Use two different colours by sticking them together. Stick sequins and feathers on to make a funky basket!
I would love to know how my readers got on making this!
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