Reading Recommendations

Hello again!
Today I thought that I would write some reading recommendations for all of the book worms of the world. I am sitting in my bedroom now and I was thinking of what to write about so I looked around my room for inspiration. My eyes fell upon my bookshelf and I came up with the idea of talking about some of my favourite books. I will also include a bit of information about what sort of person would enjoy each book most. I hope you enjoy this post.

Finding Sky by Joss Stirling
Finding sky is a book I have very recently enjoyed reading for the first time. I had the privilege of actually meeting this author so I thought I would give one of her books a go. An interesting fact is that Joss Stirling is actually Julia Golding and Eve Edwards as well! Finding Sky is a book with fantasy, excitement and romance. It is similar to the Twilight Saga if you have read that and interestingly enough, Joss Stirling wrote this to get her daughter to stop reading Twilight! I would recommend this more to girls of age 12-15.

The 100 Society by Carla Spradbery
This book is very different to Finding Sky because it is scary! The '100 Society' is a kind of game where 100 locations around the city must be graffiti tagged, each posing a greater risk than the last. However it gets a lot more frightening when a group doing it realises that someone is watching them from the shadows. Each of them gets targeted and it is too late to turn back. This was really thrilling but chilling and I literally couldn't put it down. I would recommend it to girls and boys of age 13-16. However a bit of advice is don't read it before going to bed because you might get nightmares!

Wasted by Nicola Morgan
This book is again by an author that I have had the opportunity to meet. At first I wasn't sure of it but I soon got hooked in. It explores logic and probability through a tantalizing tale of romance, music and adventure. The plot line was about a boy who made all his decisions in life by flipping a coin. You can imagine how dangerous this could be if the decision could change your whole life. For me, it was one of those books that really makes you think hard. Everyone says that when you flip a coin, there is an even chance of getting heads or tails but this book has a different idea. It said that when you flip it, you are making it land on a particular side and nature controls what it does so there is no chance involved. This left me quite confused but the adventure in the book made me keep reading it and by the end I thought it was really good. I would recommend it to girls and boys of age 12-15.

I hope that my readers will try reading some of the books above because I would really recommend them. If you are looking for more books to read, please see some of my earlier blog entries because I have also mentioned some good ones along the way.
Bye for now!


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