Summer Targets

This summer I have set myself some targets to complete to keep myself busy! My targets are about cooking, reading and keeping fit!

I have set a list of things that I want to cook or bake over the summer. I love cooking because I think it is a good skill to learn for when I am older. Also, I want to expand my abilities and cook a wider variety of impressive dishes. Some things on my list are biscotti, tarte tatin, Thai style salmon and stuffed peppers. I am going to blog (with pictures) when I have made these dishes and say where the recipes are from.

My target is to read at least 8 books over the summer. Seeing as my holiday is roughly 8 weeks long, I can read one book per week! I think that reading is an important hobby because it helps to broaden your vocabulary. I have downloaded plenty of books on my kindle to take on holiday and I have also got some new books from various bookshops or 'inherited' from my sisters. Some of the titles include Stealing Phoenix, The Scorch Trials, Paper Towns and Charlotte Sometimes. I will also blog about the books I have read.

Keeping Fit
This target is less specific. It is just to do exercise most days of the holiday. Whether that means walking to the shops, sight seeing, playing tennis, cycling or dancing, I am going to try to do something most days. I will blog about how I am getting on.

Now you know my targets, start thinking about having some yourself! Good luck!


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